19 May 2011

Makes sense...

Not only do my Multiply blog posts appear here but my Blogger posts go to Multiply. Makes sense but I didn't know the latter happened until this morning and I saw what I posted last night here was also on Multiply. Groovy!


  1. Is that because you are on that Google friend connect thing?

  2. Now it looks as if only some of my Blogger posts show on Multiply. Hmmm...

    I don't know about the Friend-connect.

  3. It's been kind of quiet, but on the plus side I've got a lot more stuff done round the house. :)

    I'm also getting very good at playing hangman on the app on my page - only it uses American spellings!!

  4. I hope you had a good day. Remember to eat and sleep. :)

  5. I think I just figured out how to be notified if someone posts here.

    Glad you're enjoying the quiet.

    My day was okay.

    Jeez. When are you Brits going to learn how to spell English words???! (Nyuck nyuck.)
