14 June 2010

This guy is clearly not mature enough to be a Congressman. If you can't answer questions from students without attacking them, you're in the wrong business, sir!


Etheridge should be charged with assault. Then he should resign. People are tired of politicians acting as if they're beyond question and reproach.

I really hope the voters and politicians grow up fast. The baby boomers are retiring and we have to find some way to cut spending because we can't afford to support them all.

It's a myth people have Social Security "accounts." Those taxes go into the general fund and are spent immediately on SS and other items.

Don't be surprised if you start hearing the word "euthanasia" as more and more people realize just how far in debt we are and are probably going to be for a very long time if more folks don't grow up and realize one thing: There is no such thing as something for nothing. I realize a lot of politicians gain votes implying there are "free benefits" for all but the responsible adults know such promises are lies.

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