Apparently the Pope recently tried to imply atheism was partly responsible for the rise of Nazism in Germany. Sorry, sir, take off your expensive hat and put on your thinking cap. One could write volumes making the case the type of thinking that often accompanies organized religion was partly responsible for the rise of Nazism.
The brand of Catholicism practiced in Germany before the Word Wars often lead to severe beating of children; guilt about most natural urges and drives; the willingness to submit blindly to "authorities" and the search for a "Messiah" with all the answers. The Catholic Church was often responsible for disgusting anti-Jewish propaganda. If it didn't publish it, it often tolerated it. (They worship a Jew. How could they hate Jews???)
Let me be brief:
I have no problem with religion as long as its practitioners don't try to
harm nonbelievers or force others to think their way. I have no problem with Catholic laypeople. There are great people from all religions.
Do I think the Pope is God's representative on Earth? If so, God must condone sheltering pedophiles and hate children, women, and sex. It's ludicrous to believe celibate men are closer to God than those who marry and procreate.
The Pope's statement was so absurd it's not worth debating so I'll stop.